who is she..?

G'day, I'm Nikki!

Thanks so much for visiting my website, I'm wrapt that you made it here. 

Well, I s'pose this is the part where I make my wild confessions about being a self-professed ‘chocoholic’, a ‘soft-core & completely average’ park skating Roller Girl, who always dreamed of staying, 'forever young'. 

I'm the one who fights the good fight and never mixes her colours in the wash, nor the wardrobe - all colour coded, thanks very much. Beyond the dash of OCD (which we all have…don’t we?), I can still tear up the dance floor with my totally sick moves from assorted genres. Many moons ago, at the tender age of 16, I  developed a thing for funky shoes, which I've had to tame over the decades, for there's no place  for such glam in the hills.

I'm certainly prone to day dreaming and forgetting the tricky stuff, like  'where did my car keys go'....'I'm sure I put my bag here..' All inconsequential matters, I say. For there are far more paramount discussions that are taking place in my head, such as curating a storyboard for my next dream client. Of course, they may have to come to me, should I not find  my car keys... 

I fall in love all of the time, but very rarely 'out of love'. I just find more space in my heart for that  lone horse whom I pulled over to chat to, that incredible chorus that the magpies sang me, that notorious gang of kids who give me the, 'chin flick' of acceptance ('cos, I dare to drop into the bowl on my roller skates). I love the old farmers who met me just once and have never forgotten my name; the quirky community which I am deeply entrenched in and the tourists who come  through our village in the hope of drawing inspiration from the way we live.

Then there are the kids. Oh, how I love the energy of kids! And somehow, kids seem to love my energy too, which makes the family photo shoots delightful and entertaining. Yep, my  photoshoots truly warm up the minute that the parents realise that they are in the hands of the distant cousin of the original, Peter Pan.  

I believe in magic, I do, I do. I believe in story telling through the art of photography. I call it,  'Photo Fables', a title that was whispered to me in my dreams. 

I was destined to be a professional photographer. I've been practicing the squinty left-eye thing and that shutter button click for over 20 years and I can't imagine doing anything else that would  bring me more pleasure. 

I am the proudest Mum of 3 baby stars, two boys and a princess dragon, each have been photographed at least 500,000 times. They are my world and as kids do, they have become my most committed educators and at the same time, my number one fans.

Just to round things off, I have had many a varied experience in this short life of mine which has shaped me into becoming an even more compassionate, loving & caring being. I’m absolutely intrigued by humans and I’m utterly devoted to leading a happy existence as an earthling. Those who know me best see me as an easy going, positively charged, energetic little pixie who puts in 110% effort into whatever I set my heart on. 

Thanks again for visiting. I can’t wait to hear from you!!

Big smiles,
